Co-funded by the European Union.
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FarmLab: digital library

The FarmLab digital library contains text, audio and video materials related to key topics in modern agriculture deriving from the global development trends, the EU policy in the fields of plant-growing and stockbreeding and the scientific discoveries that are changing the farmer’s profession and life in the rural areas.

Collocutors Toma Staykov, manager of the Bulgarian no-till association and Martin Mikush, urbanist. Organic farming is more about imposing limitations, what…

Survey of farmers’ knowledge, information needs and attitudes to science 

Summary of results:

Human imprint relates to the process of nature antropogenization, which produces two types of results: an antropogenized environment (…

Agriculture is a human activity whose interaction with the climate change is bilateral. On the one hand, it is directly affected by them and at the same time…

The Trakia University leads a consortium of academic institutions working on the implementation of the

What is a biodiversity hotspot? It stands for a bio-geographical region with concentration of biodiversity that endangered by human…

The nature protection organization WWF Bulgaria produced the mobile application Save the Forest that allows citizens to send illegal…

The National Research Programme “Healthy Food for Strong Bioeconomy and Quality of Life” has the main goal of encouraging targeted research in the fields of…