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European Commission

Short-term outlook of agricultural markets: gradual but fragile return to stability

After experiencing severe shocks and high volatility in the previous years, EU agricultural markets are showing positive signs of stabilising as input costs have steadily declined over the past months and food inflation has returned to a moderate rate. The general macroeconomic and food price environment points to possible improvements in demand for agri-food products in most sectors. Nonetheless, the outlook remains subject to a high degree of uncertainty, linked to weather events, geopolitical conflicts and animal and plant diseases.

Commission launches WTO consultations challenging China's anti-subsidy investigation into EU dairy

The European Commission launched a consultation request at the World Trade Organization (WTO), challenging China's initiation of an anti-subsidy investigation against imports of certain dairy products from the EU. This is the first time the EU has decided to challenge an investigation at its initiation stage. The EU's action was prompted by an emerging pattern of China initiating trade defence measures, based on questionable allegations and insufficient evidence, within a short period of time.

Study confirms that EU trade opens new commercial opportunities for EU agri-food exporters

A study assessing the potential impact of ten free trade agreements (recently concluded or currently under negotiation) confirms that the EU trade approach opens new commercial opportunities for EU agri-food exporters. Engaging in preferential trade relations diversifies import sources, thus improving the resilience of EU food supply chains.

EC presents options for simplification to reduce the burden for EU farmers

The European Commission sent a paper to the Belgian Presidency outlining first possible actions to help reduce the administrative burden weighing on farmers' shoulders. The document, which will be discussed with Member States in the agricultural Council of 26 February, lists a range of short- and mid-term actions that can be taken to achieve simplification. This will serve as the basis for discussions and joint action with EU countries.

Commission proposes to allow EU farmers to derogate for one year from certain agricultural rules

The European Commission proposes to allow EU farmers to avail of derogations for the year 2024 from Common Agricultural Policy rules obliging them to keep certain areas non-productive. The Commission's proposal, sent to Member States who will vote on it in a committee meeting, provides a first concrete policy response to address farmers' income concerns. It also follows requests outlined by several Member States in Agriculture Council meetings.

EU Commission to spend €186 million promoting agri-food products in and outside EU in 2024

The European Commission will allocate €185.9 million in 2024 to fund promotion activities for sustainable and high-quality EU agri-food products at home and abroad. The 2024 promotion policy work programme adopted by the Commission aims to develop new market opportunities, while taking into account the political priorities, analysis of projected exports to existing and emerging markets, as well as contributions from stakeholders.

Finalists announced for the 2023 EU Organic Awards

The finalists of the 2023 edition of the EU Organic Awards have been announced today. The three best projects have been selected for each of the 8 individual awards, with a total of 24 finalists from 11 EU countries.

The finalists were selected from a pool of close to 100 applications from all over Europe, with a higher presence of Central European and Baltic entries compared to last year.

The winners will be announced at the official award ceremony to be held in Brussels on 25 September.