Co-funded by the European Union.
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Organic farming in the EU: a decade of growth

The share of EU agricultural land under organic farming increased by more than 50% over the period 2012-2020, with an annual increase of 5.7%. In 2020, 9.1% of the EU’s agricultural area was farmed organically, reported the European Commission. On average, though with substantial variation across Member States, organic farms are bigger than conventional farms and run by younger farm managers.


Commission invites comments on draft Guidelines for sustainability agreements in agriculture

The European Commission launched a public consultation inviting all interested parties to comment on its draft proposal for Guidelines on how to design sustainability agreements in the field of agriculture (‘Guidelines') using the novel exclusion from EU competition rules introduced during the recent reform of the common agricultural policy (‘CAP').

€186 million to promote high quality and sustainable EU agri-food products

The European Commission will allocate €185.9 million in 2023 to fund promotion activities for sustainable and high quality EU agri-food products in the EU and worldwide. The 2023 promotion policy work programme adopted today by the Commission contributes to the realisation of the political priorities of the European Commission for 2019-2024, in particular the Farm to Fork strategy.

The Commission approves the CAP Strategic Plans of Bulgaria and Romania

Today, the European Commission approved the CAP Strategic Plans of Bulgaria and Romania. The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), set to start on 1 January 2023, is designed to shape the transition to a sustainable, resilient and modern European agricultural sector.

The Commission approves the CAP Strategic Plan of Malta

European Commission approved the CAP Strategic Plan of Malta. The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), set to start on 1 January 2023, is designed to shape the transition to a sustainable, resilient and modern European agricultural sector. Under the reformed policy, funding will be more fairly distributed among farms, with an emphasis on small- and medium-sized farms, as well as young farmers. Moreover, farmers will be supported to take up innovation, from precision farming to agro-ecological production methods. By supporting concrete actions in these and other areas, the new CAP can be the cornerstone for food security and farming communities in the European Union.

The Commission approves the CAP strategic plans for Croatia, Slovenia and Sweden

Today, the European Commission approved the CAP strategic plans for Croatia, Slovenia and Sweden. The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), set to start on 1 January 2023, is designed to shape the transition to a sustainable, resilient and modern European agricultural sector. Under the reformed policy, funding will be more fairly distributed among farms, with emphasis on small and medium-sized family farms, as well as young farmers. Moreover, farmers will be supported to take up new innovations, from precision farming to agro-ecological production methods.
