Co-funded by the European Union.
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Part 4: Conditions of employment and work

With a rising share of waged labour in agriculture and an increasing percentage of total output marketed domestically or internationally, concern for better conditions of employment at work should at least match concern for product quality standards. Improvements in conditions of employment at work are a necessary prerequisite to modernization and the opening of markets and they can stimulate economic efficiency by raising labour productivity. Such improvements should be considered as an investment rather than a social cost.

Part 5: Operations in Conservation Agriculture systems

Crop and cover crop residues have to be managed properly in order to fulfil their functions. Direct seeding without soil cover can be worse than ploughing, as it favours soil compaction, poor plant nutrition and weed proliferation. As residue management in Conservation Agriculture is completely different from in tillage-based systems, farmers planning to adopt the technology must undergo a change in mentality.

Study by Professor G. Basch et al.