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Why and how can sustainable farming be a solution to climate change?

Agriculture is a human activity whose interaction with the climate change is bilateral. On the one hand, it is directly affected by them and at the same time it discharges a solid number of emissions that affect the climate in turn. The changes cause stress on the plants as a consequence of prolonged periods of draught; followed by extreme rainfall, loss of carbon and other important components in soils; desertification and erosion; shifting of climatic zones and difficulties in adapting the farming practice to the shifted zones.

National Science Programme Smart Stockbreeding

The Trakia University leads a consortium of academic institutions working on the implementation of the National Scientific Programme Smart Stockbreeding, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science. The consortium involves:

  • Agrarian University Plovdiv

  • Technical University of Sofia

  • Angel Kanchev University of Ruse

  • Institute of Information and Communication Technologies - BAS

The Biodiversity Hot Spots

What is a biodiversity hotspot? It stands for a bio-geographical region with concentration of biodiversity that endangered by human activity. Only 38 sites worldwide are biodiversity hotspots and just 3 of them are in Europe. Bulgaria is located inside one such hotspot due to its favourable climatic conditions. Species of the Lopen genus used for healing purposes can only be found here.

How to counter illegal logging?

The nature protection organization WWF Bulgaria produced the mobile application Save the Forest that allows citizens to send illegal logging reports. It functions since 2020 and in the past few months over 50 reports of illegal activity in the woods or suspicions of irregular transportation of timber were submitted through it. Yana Barzova, the Forests expert of WWF Bulgaria presented the opportunities for civic activism in protecting forests. The app is for Android and can be downloaded from Google play store.

Agriscience on the Bulgarian Scientific Map

The National Research Programme “Healthy Food for Strong Bioeconomy and Quality of Life” has the main goal of encouraging targeted research in the fields of agriculture, food and bioeconomy that would help tackle the three main challenges these sectors are currently confronted with: viable food production; sustainable management of natural resources and actions in the field of climate and balanced bioeconomy development.