Co-funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Part 4: Equipment and machinery

When new technologies are extended to farmers, the conditions must be right: if farmers are to adopt innovations, they must want to, they must know how to and they must be able to follow recommendations. If no-till machines or service providers are not available, farmers will not be able to follow the recommendations.

Study by Professor G. Basch et al.

Chapter 15, „Experiences with CA in Europe“ от книгата Conservation Agriculture

Part 2: The agricultural labour market and its changing nature

Access to labour markets is particularly important for many of the rural poor as hiring out their labour power may be their sole source of income. Often, the only asset possessed by waged agricultural workers is their labour.

Agricultural Workers and Their Contribution to Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
Written by Peter Hurst in collaboration with Paola Termine and Marilee Karl

A web platform with “ready for practice” innovations in the field of biofertilisation

The objective of NUTRIMAN is to improve the exploitation of these commercially and market ready-for-practice cases of N/P nutrient management/recovery potential that are not yet sufficiently known by practitioners. Our action will create new opportunities for farmers to develop connections between matured research results with market competitive and commercially useful results, and farming practice in the priority area of nutrient management and nutrient recovery.

Innovation in Labour Organisation and Social Conditionality: Implications for Farm Advisory Services

Ситуацията с условията на труд на заетите в европейските ферми буди нарастващо безпокойство. В новата Обща селскостопанска политика (ОСП) е предвидено въвеждане на социална клауза като условие за финансовата помощ за фермерите. В резултат на тази...

QR codes on milk cartons to offer window into livestock health and welfare

В недалечно бъдеще един прост QR код, отпечатан върху опаковката с мляко, може да дава информация за здравето и благосъстоянието на кравите, които са произвели млякото. Кодът ще дава възможност на потребителите да проследят пътя на млякото до фермата, в която е произведено и да получат информация за благосъстоянието на кравите в конкретния ден, в който млякото е произведено.


Part 1: Industry 4.0 and Precision Livestock Farming: what's happening?

Precision livestock farming (PLF) has spread to various countries worldwide since its inception in 2003, though it has yet to be widely adopted. Additionally, the advent of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) have enabled a continued advancement and development of PLF. This modern technological approach to animal farming and production encompasses ethical, economic and logistical aspects. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of PLF and Industry 4.0, to identify current applications of this rather novel approach in different farming systems for food producing animals, and to present up to date knowledge on the subject.

THE RE-CAP: Does the EU’s new farming policy match the EU Green Deal goals?

Farming in Europe stands at a crossroads. All the building blocks for a resilient, sustainable and fair food production system are there. Thousands of small-scale sustainable producers have formed the backbone of food production in Europe for centuries, using environmentally-friendly farming practices like agroecology and organic farming to produce healthy food in a way that nourishes both people and the planet.