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EU invests over €380 million in 133 new LIFE projects to support the green transition all around Europe

The Commission has granted today more than €380 million to 133 new projects across Europe under the LIFE Programme for environment and climate action. The allocated amount represents more than half of the €574 million total investment needs for these projects - the remainder coming from national, regional and local governments, public-private partnerships, businesses, and civil society organisations.

Combating desertification in the EU: Council urges action for a sustainable future

he Council of the European Union has adopted conclusions addressing the urgent challenges posed by desertification, land degradation, and drought (DLDD), underscoring the critical need for a cohesive and integrated approach to environmental management across the EU. These conclusions highlight the increasing frequency and severity of droughts, alongside the exacerbation of desertification and land degradation both globally and within Europe.

Short-term outlook of agricultural markets: gradual but fragile return to stability

After experiencing severe shocks and high volatility in the previous years, EU agricultural markets are showing positive signs of stabilising as input costs have steadily declined over the past months and food inflation has returned to a moderate rate. The general macroeconomic and food price environment points to possible improvements in demand for agri-food products in most sectors. Nonetheless, the outlook remains subject to a high degree of uncertainty, linked to weather events, geopolitical conflicts and animal and plant diseases.

Eight winners announced at third EU Organic Awards

This year’s winners follow the high standards set by their predecessors and showcase sustainable and inspiring projects across the European organic value chain. The winning projects – and the people behind them- demonstrate how organic agriculture and production can create innovative value chains and generate new job opportunities in rural areas.

The winners of the edition 2024 of the EU Organic Awards are:

Commission launches WTO consultations challenging China's anti-subsidy investigation into EU dairy

The European Commission launched a consultation request at the World Trade Organization (WTO), challenging China's initiation of an anti-subsidy investigation against imports of certain dairy products from the EU. This is the first time the EU has decided to challenge an investigation at its initiation stage. The EU's action was prompted by an emerging pattern of China initiating trade defence measures, based on questionable allegations and insufficient evidence, within a short period of time.

Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture delivers its final report to President von der Leyen

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen received the final report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture, handed over by the group's chair, Professor Peter Strohschneider. Entitled “A shared prospect for farming and food in Europe”, the report presents an assessment of challenges and opportunities, followed by a set of recommendations. These suggestions will guide the work of the European Commission when shaping its Vision for Agriculture and Food, to be delivered in the first 100 days of President von der Leyen's second mandate.

EU public consultation on craft and industrial geographical indications

The European Commission launched a public consultation to gather direct input from interested stakeholders for the preparation of the Commission’s future communication and promotion campaign related to craft and industrial geographical indications. In addition, the public consultation also intends to support the Commission in better tailoring the Union’s international policy in the area of geographical indications for craft and industrial products. 

Finalists announced for the 2024 EU Organic Awards

The names of the finalists for the 2024 EU Organic Awards have been revealed today. For each of the eight categories, the top three projects have been selected, representing 24 finalists from 11 EU countries. The winners of the eight awards will be unveiled at the official ceremony in Brussels on 23 September, as part of a series of events and activities celebrating the annual EU Organic Day.

The EU agri-food chain Observatory starts working to restore trust and improve transparency in the food chain

The EU agri-food chain Observatory (AFCO) held its first meeting on Wednesday 17 July. Its objective is to better understand the functioning of the supply chain and bring increased transparency on prices, structure of costs and distribution of margins and added value, while respecting confidentiality and competition rules. The launch of this Observatory was first announced in March 2024 as one of the measures to strengthen the position of farmers in the food supply chain and reinforce the trust between all actors throughout the chain.

Emergency brake triggered for eggs and sugar imports from Ukraine

As of tomorrow, 2 July 2024, the tariff rate quotas from the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) are reintroduced for imports of eggs and sugar from Ukraine into the EU. The revised Autonomous Trade Measures (ATMs), in place since 6 June 2024, includes an emergency brake for seven agricultural products to be automatically triggered if import volumes reach the average yearly imports recorded between 1 July 2021 and 31 December 2023.