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Eight winners announced at third EU Organic Awards

This year’s winners follow the high standards set by their predecessors and showcase sustainable and inspiring projects across the European organic value chain. The winning projects – and the people behind them- demonstrate how organic agriculture and production can create innovative value chains and generate new job opportunities in rural areas.

The winners of the edition 2024 of the EU Organic Awards are:

The EU agri-food chain Observatory starts working to restore trust and improve transparency in the food chain

The EU agri-food chain Observatory (AFCO) held its first meeting on Wednesday 17 July. Its objective is to better understand the functioning of the supply chain and bring increased transparency on prices, structure of costs and distribution of margins and added value, while respecting confidentiality and competition rules. The launch of this Observatory was first announced in March 2024 as one of the measures to strengthen the position of farmers in the food supply chain and reinforce the trust between all actors throughout the chain.

Networking proves to be important to successfully implement the EU’s rural development policy

European Commission published a study on the contributions of the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) and the National Rural Networks (NRN) to the implementation of the EU’s rural development policy. These two networks led to stakeholders being more involved in the day-to-day implementation of rural development projects in the period 2014-22. This resulted, among other things, in better implementation more suited to local needs.

Commission adopts stringent residue limits for pesticides to protect pollinators

On 02.02.2023  the Commission adopted new rules which will, once applicable, lower the Maximum Residues Levels (MRLs) of two pesticides in food. Assessments by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have shown that the two chemicals, belonging to the group of neonicotinoid pesticides, clothianidin and thiamethoxam, pose a high risk to bees and contribute to the global decline of pollinators. For this reason, their outdoor use has already been banned in the EU in 2018.

Organic farming in the EU: a decade of growth

The share of EU agricultural land under organic farming increased by more than 50% over the period 2012-2020, with an annual increase of 5.7%. In 2020, 9.1% of the EU’s agricultural area was farmed organically, reported the European Commission. On average, though with substantial variation across Member States, organic farms are bigger than conventional farms and run by younger farm managers.


Study shows crucial role of producer organisations in the EU fruit and vegetables sector

Producer organisations (POs) play a crucial role in sustaining and fostering growth in the fruit and vegetables sector in the European Union. This is done, among other things, through channelling the EU financial support for the sector. This is one of the conclusions of the synthesis study of national strategies for sustainable operational programmes in the fruit and vegetables sector for the period 2013-18, published today by the European Commission.

The Commission approves the CAP Strategic Plans of Bulgaria and Romania

Today, the European Commission approved the CAP Strategic Plans of Bulgaria and Romania. The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), set to start on 1 January 2023, is designed to shape the transition to a sustainable, resilient and modern European agricultural sector.